Thursday, 11 April 2019

Enjeux et opportunités des incubateurs en Afrique de l’Ouest.

Source : OIF

"Ces dernières années, des structures d’accompagnement se sont  multipliées, particulièrement en Afrique de l’Ouest, et apportent une réponse locale pour combler certaines lacunes des écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux (politiques publiques insuffisantes, manque d’accès aux financements, de culture entrepreneuriale, de soutien du secteur privé, etc.)

Leur objectif est d’accompagner les entrepreneurs afin qu’ils soient porteurs d’innovations et créateurs d’emplois stables et décents.

Des services qui incluent souvent du conseil, un accès à des locaux équipés et connectés, un accès à un réseau, ainsi qu’un appui pour trouver des financements.

De ce fait, ces structures sont également des sources d’opportunités pour différents types de partenaires et investisseurs : institutions publiques, financiers, instituts de recherche, multinationales, etc.

Réalisé par la Banque mondiale, en partenariat avec l’OIF et le collectif Afric’innov, le guide pratique « Enjeux et opportunités des incubateurs en Afrique de l’Ouest » met en perspective ces différents aspects et émet des recommandations pour les décideurs."

Plus d'info et télécharger le guide

Wednesday, 10 April 2019


GroFin is a pioneering development financier specialising in financing and supporting small and growing businesses (SGBs) across Africa and the Middle East by combining medium term loan capital and value-added business support.
By generating employmentstrengthening value chains and building markets, GroFin's investments bring about inclusive economic growth and improved living conditions in the low and middle income countries that we operate in.
As a trusted partner with more than 30 international development finance institutionsdevelopment organisations and other private funders, GroFin has raised funding in excess of US$ 500M that it manages through ten funds and programs. GroFin has invested in over 600 SMEs and sustained over 95,000 jobs across a wide spectrum of business activities within the 15 countries in Africa and Middle East that the organisation operates in.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

An ICT agripreneurship guide: A path to success for young ACP entrepreneurs - CTA

"This Handbook provides a step-by-step roadmap designed to equip aspiring ICT entrepreneurs, with the information and knowledge they need to start an ICT-based business in the agricultural sector, outlining key opportunities and challenges that will be encountered along the way. Using real-life examples, it provides strategies and pathways for averting common mistakes faced by early-stage entrepreneurs. Topics covered include agricultural value chains and their stakeholders, ICT business challenges, effective business plans and models for designing, funding and scaling ventures."

Download the Handbook. Also available in French

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Growing Food, Products and Businesses. Applying Business Incubation to Agribusiness SMEs

"This report is based on a literature review, complemented by the findings and conclusions from 10case studies of agribusiness incubators in nine low- and middle-income countries.
In this report, agribusiness incubation is presented as one approach that can contribute to commercialization and modernization of agriculture, as well as the promotion of a competitive indigenous agribusiness industry."

Download the report by infoDev

The Agribusiness Innovation Center of Senegal

"This document proposes a new model for promoting the growth of a competitive value adding horticulture sector in Senegal. The Agribusiness Innovation Center (AIC) provides a set of financial and nonfinancial services to high-growth potential entrepreneurs, aiming to accelerate the growth of their enterprises and demonstrating product, process, and business model innovation across the horticulture sector. AIC complements existing efforts focused on farm-level improvements and foreign investment facilitation."

Download the document

Friday, 24 November 2017

Challenge funds guidelines - SIDA

"The purpose of this note is to encourage the Swedish embassies and different departments in Sida to understand and consider the use of challenge funds (CF) as a method to achieve development results. 

The note gives examples of different kinds of CFs, provides lessons learned from early and on-going projects, discusses some principles which are essential in setting up and managing such funds and provides practical guidelines for establishing CFs. Even if this note is focusing on challenge funds set up by donors, this could be a financing mechanism for any organization willing to solve a specific problem with innovative solutions."

Download the document

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Industrial Value Chain Diagnostics: An Integrated Tool - UNIDO

"This document offers a tool for diagnosing industrial value chains. It provides guidance on defining the elements necessary for the development and upgrading of entire value chains, not just parts of them. The focus is on industrial value chains, meaning those that engage in the processing and transformation of primary products into consumable goods and thereby generate value added. Unlike conventional value chain analysis, this tool places particular emphasis on the processing and manufacturing segment with its downstream (market) and upstream (supplies) relationships. It adds to the existing literature on value chain analysis1 by introducing the “industrial perspective” and complements other value chain analysis tools that centre on “primary production” and “market orientation”.

The diagnostics can be applied to situations where value chain development has no single or easy solution and many parallel constraints and development opportunities exist."

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Example results models and example indicators for projects in the area of private sector development

This paper presents example results models for ten areas of private sector development (PSD) Subsequent to the results models you will find example indicators, which are based on the results models. Within the results models hyperlinks can be found which lead directly from the results model to the relevant indicators.

The ten typical PSD areas are based on the intended results of private sector promotion of German development cooperation.

Download the report

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Challenge Funds as Private Sector Development Tools: Progress & Potential - KPMG

Challenge funds have been effective in sectors closely tied to poor communities, such as agribusiness and financial services, as well as through private provision of social services including health and education. In this paper KPMG looks at the distinguishing features of the funding model, the benefits and what the company has learned in its experience deploying the fund.

Monitoring and Measuring Results in Private Sector Development

Good practices for SDC program managers to enable implementing partners to design, apply, and benefit from a monitoring and results measurement system that enables learning and reporting credible results and that complies with the DCED Standard for Results Measurement.


infoDev: Agribusiness Incubation. Trainer manual

"'This is the trainer manual for Module 12 - out of 12 modules in total - of infoDev’s State-of-the-Art
Business Incubation Training Program for Business Incubator Managers in Developing Countries.

infoDev ( is a research, capacity building and advisory services program, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat hosted by the World Bank Group. It helps developing countries and their international partners use innovation and information and communication technologies (ICT) effectively as tools for poverty reduction and sustainable social and economic development."

Download the manual

infoDev: Agribusiness Incubation. Trainee Manual

This is the trainee manual for Module 12 - out of 12 modules in total - of infoDev’s State-of-the-Art
Business Incubation Training Program for Business Incubator Managers in Developing Countries.

infoDev ( is a research, capacity building and advisory services program, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat hosted by the World Bank Group. It helps developing countries and their international partners use innovation and information and communication technologies (ICT) effectively as tools for poverty reduction and sustainable social and economic development.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Market Systems and Job Quality: What Do We Know and What Can We Do About it ? - ILO

"If you’ve ever wondered (or been sceptical about) if or how the market systems approach can address job quality, we’ve mapped the evidence from the field to learn what’s been done, what’s been effective and what projects and donors can to better address job quality in the future. 
The research also explores how these projects addressed working conditions in seven different quality categories – so if aren’t sure where to start tackling working conditions in your project, get inspiration from those that have gone down the road before."

Download the publication